. Click the link below or copy and pest it to url:
2. Go to link provided for “Aadhaar Paperless Offline eKYC“
3. Submit Aadhaar number to obtain OTP in mobile . This is verification of mobile number as well .
4. Submit the mobile OTP to download Aadhaar XML file. Provide 4 digit share code which is turn required in the next level.
5. Down load the Aadhaar XML file.
6. Click “Enroll & Apply DSC” link.
7. Submit mobile number as per Aadhaar data base, submit email id and Pan in the specified fields.
8. Click OTP button beside email field to obtain email OTP , and put it.
9. Provide desired user name as per your choice if the name is already used by some one change it.
10. Put six digit pin according to your choice and repeat it.
11. Select the Aadhaar XML file and put the 4 digit share code of the earlier stage.
12. Upload the File.
13. Click the mobile OTP button to obtain it.
14. Put the mobile OTP.
Your application has been successfully submitted.